Co-Design & ABM for Multi-Storey Wood Building Systems

Adaptive Hollow Slab Building System Applications

Arrangement of Variable Density Timber Reinforcement

Timber Slab Segmentation Analysis

Computational Segmentation of Timber Slabs

Multi-Storey Wood Building System

Anaximander: The Mellontic Archeion

Hairy Value: Preserving the Elvis Hip Thrust

High Tech | Low Tech

Montana|Finse at the Bergen International Wood Festival

Belle Montagne, sur la Belle Isle de Gaspillage

Bone Ash Hall

Digitastic Thermobots

Journey Through The Cinema

Home Economics at MODCaR's "The Bureau", Detroit

The Cloud 18th CCA Interuniversity Charrette

A Museum for Experiential Learning

Pine: Phylotaxic Hygromorph

Simeon Audita