Montana|Finse is a pavilion built as part of the 6th Biannual Bergen International Wood Festival. Its design was based on the overlap between A-frame timber building techniques, the curvature of boat hulls, and the vernacular snow fences found both in the state of Montana and the Nordic region of Finse.
After its construction, it became part of the urban garden of architectural follies within the medieval town square of Bergen, there to remain as part of the celebration of Norway's 200th year of constitution.
Montana|Finse was design by Shan Sutherland and Luis Orozco and built with Chris Mertz.

Daily life in the medieval town square after the festivities have ended incorporates Montana | Finse.

Montana | Finse stands proud, funneling passers by into the historic heart of the city.

Light and shadow play through the slatted sides of Montana | Finse.

National Day celebrations take place around and include Montana | Finse.

Montana | Finse provides an opportunity for play on the historic day of its opening, the 17th of May.

Montana | Finse grazes the historic trees on its way past.

Lit by lamps and the nearby storefronts, Montana | Finse glows at night.